
Question answer with tensorflow

Posted by YangLong on May 11, 2018

Question answer with tensorflow

QA 系统用于回答自然语言提出的问题,QA系统从文本和图像提取信息后去回答问题,这种系统主要被分成两块:open domain回答的答案不限定于某个领域,close domain回答的问题限定于某个领域如医学、网点常用服务内容。


  • 安装python3
  • 安装Tensorflow 1.2+
  • Jupyter
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import urllib
import sys
import os
import zipfile
import tarfile
import json 
import hashlib
import re
import itertools




task5 task other
image image





glove_zip_file = "glove.6B.zip"
glove_vectors_file = "glove.6B.50d.txt"

# 15 MB
data_set_zip = "tasks_1-20_v1-2.tar.gz"

#Select "task 5"
train_set_file = "qa5_three-arg-relations_train.txt"
test_set_file = "qa5_three-arg-relations_test.txt"

train_set_post_file = "tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/"+train_set_file
test_set_post_file = "tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/"+test_set_file
glove_zip_file = "glove.6B.zip"
glove_vectors_file = "glove.6B.50d.txt"

# 15 MB
data_set_zip = "tasks_1-20_v1-2.tar.gz"

#Select "task 5"
train_set_file = "qa5_three-arg-relations_train.txt"
test_set_file = "qa5_three-arg-relations_test.txt"

train_set_post_file = "tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/"+train_set_file
test_set_post_file = "tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/"+test_set_file
def unzip_single_file(zip_file_name, output_file_name):
        If the output file is already created, don't recreate
        If the output file does not exist, create it from the zipFile
    if not os.path.isfile(output_file_name):
        with open(output_file_name, 'wb') as out_file:
            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name) as zipped:
                for info in zipped.infolist():
                    if output_file_name in info.filename:
                        with zipped.open(info) as requested_file:
def targz_unzip_single_file(zip_file_name, output_file_name, interior_relative_path):
    if not os.path.isfile(output_file_name):
        with tarfile.open(zip_file_name) as un_zipped:
unzip_single_file(glove_zip_file, glove_vectors_file)
targz_unzip_single_file(data_set_zip, train_set_file, "tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/")
targz_unzip_single_file(data_set_zip, test_set_file, "tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/")

分析Glove & 操作未知特征

将根据GloVe定义的映射来讨论这是一个将字符串转换为矩阵的函数。这个函数将字符串分成标记,这些标记大致相当于标点符号,单词或部分单词。例如,在“Bill travled to the kitchen”中,有六个令牌:五个对应于每个单词,最后一个对应于最后一个时间点。每个令牌都会单独进行矢量化,从而生成与每个句子对应的矩阵,如下图将句子转换为矩阵的过程:



当我们遇到一个新的单词时,我们只需从原始Glove矢量化的(高斯近似)分布中绘制一个新的矢量化,并将该向量添加回GloVe单词图。为了收集分布超参数,Numpy具有自动计算方差和均值的功能。如下函数fill_unk 为新遇到的单词分配一个新的向量

# Deserialize GloVe vectors
glove_wordmap = {}
with open(glove_vectors_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as glove:
    for line in glove:
        name, vector = tuple(line.split(" ", 1))
        glove_wordmap[name] = np.fromstring(vector, sep=" ")
wvecs = []
for item in glove_wordmap.items():
s = np.vstack(wvecs)

# Gather the distribution hyperparameters
v = np.var(s,0) 
m = np.mean(s,0) 
RS = np.random.RandomState()

def fill_unk(unk):
    global glove_wordmap
    glove_wordmap[unk] = RS.multivariate_normal(m,np.diag(v))
    return glove_wordmap[unk]


因为bAbI的词汇量有限,意味着即使不知道单词的含义,网络也可以学习单词之间的关系。然而,为了学习的速度,我们尽量选择单词已有的向量。为此,在Glove中进行全局搜索,如果单词不存在,创建一个新的向量来表示这个单词。 我们定义一个新的函数sentence2sequence来向量化单词:

def sentence2sequence(sentence):

    - Turns an input paragraph into an (m,d) matrix, 
        where n is the number of tokens in the sentence
        and d is the number of dimensions each word vector has.

      TensorFlow doesn't need to be used here, as simply
      turning the sentence into a sequence based off our 
      mapping does not need the computational power that
      TensorFlow provides. Normal Python suffices for this task.
    tokens = sentence.strip('"(),-').lower().split(" ")
    rows = []
    words = []
    #Greedy search for tokens
    for token in tokens:
        i = len(token)
        while len(token) > 0:
            word = token[:i]
            if word in glove_wordmap:
                token = token[i:]
                i = len(token)
                i = i-1
            if i == 0:
                # word OOV
                # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.01436.pdf
    return np.array(rows), words


def contextualize(set_file):
    Read in the dataset of questions and build question+answer -> context sets.
    Output is a list of data points, each of which is a 7-element tuple containing:
        The sentences in the context in vectorized form.
        The sentences in the context as a list of string tokens.
        The question in vectorized form.
        The question as a list of string tokens.
        The answer in vectorized form.
        The answer as a list of string tokens.
        A list of numbers for supporting statements, which is currently unused.
    data = []
    context = []
    with open(set_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as train:
        for line in train:
            l, ine = tuple(line.split(" ", 1))
            # Split the line numbers from the sentences they refer to.
            if l is "1":
                # New contexts always start with 1, 
                # so this is a signal to reset the context.
                context = []
            if "\t" in ine: 
                # Tabs are the separator between questions and answers,
                # and are not present in context statements.
                question, answer, support = tuple(ine.split("\t"))
                             ([int(s) for s in support.split()],)))
                # Multiple questions may refer to the same context, so we don't reset it.
                # Context sentence.
    return data
train_data = contextualize(train_set_post_file)
test_data = contextualize(test_set_post_file)
final_train_data = []
def finalize(data):
    Prepares data generated by contextualize() for use in the network.
    final_data = []
    for cqas in train_data:
        contextvs, contextws, qvs, qws, avs, aws, spt = cqas

        lengths = itertools.accumulate(len(cvec) for cvec in contextvs)
        context_vec = np.concatenate(contextvs)
        context_words = sum(contextws,[])

        # Location markers for the beginnings of new sentences.
        sentence_ends = np.array(list(lengths)) 
        final_data.append((context_vec, sentence_ends, qvs, spt, context_words, cqas, avs, aws))
    return np.array(final_data)
final_train_data = finalize(train_data)   
final_test_data = finalize(test_data)





# Hyperparameters

# The number of dimensions used to store data passed between recurrent layers in the network.
recurrent_cell_size = 128

# The number of dimensions in our word vectorizations.
D = 50 

# How quickly the network learns. Too high, and we may run into numeric instability 
# or other issues.
learning_rate = 0.005

# Dropout probabilities. For a description of dropout and what these probabilities are, 
# see Entailment with TensorFlow.
input_p, output_p = 0.5, 0.5

# How many questions we train on at a time.
batch_size = 128

# Number of passes in episodic memory. We'll get to this later.
passes = 4

# Feed Forward layer sizes: the number of dimensions used to store data passed from feed-forward layers.
ff_hidden_size = 256

weight_decay = 0.00000001
# The strength of our regularization. Increase to encourage sparsity in episodic memory, 
# but makes training slower. Don't make this larger than leraning_rate.

training_iterations_count = 400000
# How many questions the network trains on each time it is trained. 
# Some questions are counted multiple times.

display_step = 100
# How many iterations of training occur before each validation check.


通过超参数,我们来描述网络结构。这个网络的结构被松散地分成四个模块,在Ask Me Anything:Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing中有描述。







# Input Module

# Context: A [batch_size, maximum_context_length, word_vectorization_dimensions] tensor 
# that contains all the context information.
context = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, D], "context")  
context_placeholder = context # I use context as a variable name later on

# input_sentence_endings: A [batch_size, maximum_sentence_count, 2] tensor that 
# contains the locations of the ends of sentences. 
input_sentence_endings = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None, 2], "sentence")

# recurrent_cell_size: the number of hidden units in recurrent layers.
input_gru = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(recurrent_cell_size)

# input_p: The probability of maintaining a specific hidden input unit.
# Likewise, output_p is the probability of maintaining a specific hidden output unit.
gru_drop = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(input_gru, input_p, output_p)

# dynamic_rnn also returns the final internal state. We don't need that, and can
# ignore the corresponding output (_). 
input_module_outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(gru_drop, context, dtype=tf.float32, scope = "input_module")

# cs: the facts gathered from the context.
cs = tf.gather_nd(input_module_outputs, input_sentence_endings)
# to use every word as a fact, useful for tasks with one-sentence contexts
s = input_module_outputs


# Question Module

# query: A [batch_size, maximum_question_length, word_vectorization_dimensions] tensor 
#  that contains all of the questions.

query = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, D], "query")

# input_query_lengths: A [batch_size, 2] tensor that contains question length information. 
# input_query_lengths[:,1] has the actual lengths; input_query_lengths[:,0] is a simple range() 
# so that it plays nice with gather_nd.
input_query_lengths = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, 2], "query_lengths")

question_module_outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(gru_drop, query, dtype=tf.float32, 
                                               scope = tf.VariableScope(True, "input_module"))

# q: the question states. A [batch_size, recurrent_cell_size] tensor.
q = tf.gather_nd(question_module_outputs, input_query_lengths)




主要的问题是注意力,或者至少是注意力集中在一个输入位置,不容易优化。与大多数其他神经网络一样,我们的优化方案是根据输入和权重计算损失函数的导数,由于其二元性质,硬性注意力根本不可区分。相反,我们不得不使用被称为“软性关注”的实值版本,该版本将所有可能使用的输入位置与使用某种形式的权重相结合。值得庆幸的是,权重是完全可以区分的,并且可以正常训练。虽然可以学习注意力,但它比软性注意要困难得多,有时表现得更差。因此,我们将坚持这种模式的软性关注。不要担心编码的衍生物; TensorFlow”


另一个值得注意的方面是关注蒙版几乎总是围绕图层使用的表示。对于图像来说,这个包裹最可能发生在卷积层(很可能是直接映射到图像中的位置),对于自然语言而言,包裹最可能发生在复发层周围。在技术上可能的情况下,在前馈层周围注意围绕前馈层通常是没有用的 - 至少不能通过其他前馈层更难以模拟的方式。

# Episodic Memory

# make sure the current memory (i.e. the question vector) is broadcasted along the facts dimension
size = tf.stack([tf.constant(1),tf.shape(cs)[1], tf.constant(1)])
re_q = tf.tile(tf.reshape(q,[-1,1,recurrent_cell_size]),size)

# Final output for attention, needs to be 1 in order to create a mask
output_size = 1 

# Weights and biases
attend_init = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1)
w_1 = tf.get_variable("attend_w1", [1,recurrent_cell_size*7, recurrent_cell_size], 
                      tf.float32, initializer = attend_init)
w_2 = tf.get_variable("attend_w2", [1,recurrent_cell_size, output_size], 
                      tf.float32, initializer = attend_init)

b_1 = tf.get_variable("attend_b1", [1, recurrent_cell_size], 
                      tf.float32, initializer = attend_init)
b_2 = tf.get_variable("attend_b2", [1, output_size], 
                      tf.float32, initializer = attend_init)

# Regulate all the weights and biases
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, tf.nn.l2_loss(w_1))
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, tf.nn.l2_loss(b_1))
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, tf.nn.l2_loss(w_2))
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, tf.nn.l2_loss(b_2))

def attention(c, mem, existing_facts):
    Custom attention mechanism.
    c: A [batch_size, maximum_sentence_count, recurrent_cell_size] tensor 
        that contains all the facts from the contexts.
    mem: A [batch_size, maximum_sentence_count, recurrent_cell_size] tensor that 
        contains the current memory. It should be the same memory for all facts for accurate results.
    existing_facts: A [batch_size, maximum_sentence_count, 1] tensor that 
        acts as a binary mask for which facts exist and which do not.

    with tf.variable_scope("attending") as scope:
        # attending: The metrics by which we decide what to attend to.
        attending = tf.concat([c, mem, re_q, c * re_q,  c * mem, (c-re_q)**2, (c-mem)**2], 2)

        # m1: First layer of multiplied weights for the feed-forward network. 
        #     We tile the weights in order to manually broadcast, since tf.matmul does not
        #     automatically broadcast batch matrix multiplication as of TensorFlow 1.2.
        m1 = tf.matmul(attending * existing_facts, 
                       tf.tile(w_1, tf.stack([tf.shape(attending)[0],1,1]))) * existing_facts
        # bias_1: A masked version of the first feed-forward layer's bias
        #     over only existing facts.

        bias_1 = b_1 * existing_facts

        # tnhan: First nonlinearity. In the original paper, this is a tanh nonlinearity; 
        #        choosing relu was a design choice intended to avoid issues with 
        #        low gradient magnitude when the tanh returned values close to 1 or -1. 
        tnhan = tf.nn.relu(m1 + bias_1)

        # m2: Second layer of multiplied weights for the feed-forward network. 
        #     Still tiling weights for the same reason described in m1's comments.
        m2 = tf.matmul(tnhan, tf.tile(w_2, tf.stack([tf.shape(attending)[0],1,1])))

        # bias_2: A masked version of the second feed-forward layer's bias.
        bias_2 = b_2 * existing_facts

        # norm_m2: A normalized version of the second layer of weights, which is used 
        #     to help make sure the softmax nonlinearity doesn't saturate.
        norm_m2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m2 + bias_2, -1)

        # softmaxable: A hack in order to use sparse_softmax on an otherwise dense tensor. 
        #     We make norm_m2 a sparse tensor, then make it dense again after the operation.
        softmax_idx = tf.where(tf.not_equal(norm_m2, 0))[:,:-1]
        softmax_gather = tf.gather_nd(norm_m2[...,0], softmax_idx)
        softmax_shape = tf.shape(norm_m2, out_type=tf.int64)[:-1]
        softmaxable = tf.SparseTensor(softmax_idx, softmax_gather, softmax_shape)
        return tf.expand_dims(tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(tf.sparse_softmax(softmaxable)),-1)

# facts_0s: a [batch_size, max_facts_length, 1] tensor 
#     whose values are 1 if the corresponding fact exists and 0 if not.
facts_0s = tf.cast(tf.count_nonzero(input_sentence_endings[:,:,-1:],-1,keep_dims=True),tf.float32)

with tf.variable_scope("Episodes") as scope:
    attention_gru = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(recurrent_cell_size)

    # memory: A list of all tensors that are the (current or past) memory state 
    #   of the attention mechanism.
    memory = [q]

    # attends: A list of all tensors that represent what the network attends to.
    attends = []
    for a in range(passes):
        # attention mask
        attend_to = attention(cs, tf.tile(tf.reshape(memory[-1],[-1,1,recurrent_cell_size]),size),

        # Inverse attention mask, for what's retained in the state.
        retain = 1-attend_to

        # GRU pass over the facts, according to the attention mask.
        while_valid_index = (lambda state, index: index < tf.shape(cs)[1])
        update_state = (lambda state, index: (attend_to[:,index,:] * 
                                                 attention_gru(cs[:,index,:], state)[0] + 
                                                 retain[:,index,:] * state))
        # start loop with most recent memory and at the first index
                          (lambda state, index: (update_state(state,index),index+1)),
                           loop_vars = [memory[-1], 0]))[0]) 


        # Reuse variables so the GRU pass uses the same variables every pass.



# Answer Module

# a0: Final memory state. (Input to answer module)
a0 = tf.concat([memory[-1], q], -1)

# fc_init: Initializer for the final fully connected layer's weights.
fc_init = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1) 

with tf.variable_scope("answer"):
    # w_answer: The final fully connected layer's weights.
    w_answer = tf.get_variable("weight", [recurrent_cell_size*2, D], 
                               tf.float32, initializer = fc_init)
    # Regulate the fully connected layer's weights

    # The regressed word. This isn't an actual word yet; 
    #    we still have to find the closest match.
    logit = tf.expand_dims(tf.matmul(a0, w_answer),1)

    # Make a mask over which words exist.
    with tf.variable_scope("ending"):
        all_ends = tf.reshape(input_sentence_endings, [-1,2])
        range_ends = tf.range(tf.shape(all_ends)[0])
        ends_indices = tf.stack([all_ends[:,0],range_ends], axis=1)
        ind = tf.reduce_max(tf.scatter_nd(ends_indices, all_ends[:,1],
                                          [tf.shape(q)[0], tf.shape(all_ends)[0]]),
        range_ind = tf.range(tf.shape(ind)[0])
        mask_ends = tf.cast(tf.scatter_nd(tf.stack([ind, range_ind], axis=1), 
                                          tf.ones_like(range_ind), [tf.reduce_max(ind)+1, 
                                                                    tf.shape(ind)[0]]), bool)
        # A bit of a trick. With the locations of the ends of the mask (the last periods in 
        #  each of the contexts) as 1 and the rest as 0, we can scan with exclusive or 
        #  (starting from all 1). For each context in the batch, this will result in 1s 
        #  up until the marker (the location of that last period) and 0s afterwards.
        mask = tf.scan(tf.logical_xor,mask_ends, tf.ones_like(range_ind, dtype=bool))

    # We score each possible word inversely with their Euclidean distance to the regressed word.
    #  The highest score (lowest distance) will correspond to the selected word.
    logits = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(context*tf.transpose(tf.expand_dims(
                    tf.cast(mask, tf.float32),-1),[1,0,2]) - logit), axis=-1)






# Training

# gold_standard: The real answers.
gold_standard = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1, D], "answer")
with tf.variable_scope('accuracy'):
    eq = tf.equal(context, gold_standard)
    corrbool = tf.reduce_all(eq,-1)
    logloc = tf.reduce_max(logits, -1, keep_dims = True)
    # locs: A boolean tensor that indicates where the score 
    #  matches the minimum score. This happens on multiple dimensions, 
    #  so in the off chance there's one or two indexes that match 
    #  we make sure it matches in all indexes.
    locs = tf.equal(logits, logloc)

    # correctsbool: A boolean tensor that indicates for which 
    #   words in the context the score always matches the minimum score.
    correctsbool = tf.reduce_any(tf.logical_and(locs, corrbool), -1)
    # corrects: A tensor that is simply correctsbool cast to floats.
    corrects = tf.where(correctsbool, tf.ones_like(correctsbool, dtype=tf.float32), 

    # corr: corrects, but for the right answer instead of our selected answer.
    corr = tf.where(corrbool, tf.ones_like(corrbool, dtype=tf.float32), 
with tf.variable_scope("loss"):
    # Use sigmoid cross entropy as the base loss, 
    #  with our distances as the relative probabilities. There are
    #  multiple correct labels, for each location of the answer word within the context.
    loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = tf.nn.l2_normalize(logits,-1),
                                                   labels = corr)

    # Add regularization losses, weighted by weight_decay.
    total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) + weight_decay * tf.add_n(

# TensorFlow's default implementation of the Adam optimizer works. We can adjust more than 
#  just the learning rate, but it's not necessary to find a very good optimum.
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)

# Once we have an optimizer, we ask it to minimize the loss 
#   in order to work towards the proper training.
opt_op = optimizer.minimize(total_loss)

# Initialize variables
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

# Launch the TensorFlow session
sess = tf.Session()



使用基于测试数据的验证集可以让我们更好地了解网络如何将其所学知识普遍化并将其应用于其他环境。如果我们对训练数据进行验证,网络可能会过度训练 - 换句话说,学习具体的例子并记住答案,这对网络回答新问题并无帮助。

如果您安装了TQDM,您可以使用它来记录网络已经训练了多长时间并接收训练结束时间的估计。通过中断Jupyter Notebook内核,您可以随时停止培训

def prep_batch(batch_data, more_data = False):
        Prepare all the preproccessing that needs to be done on a batch-by-batch basis.
    context_vec, sentence_ends, questionvs, spt, context_words, cqas, answervs, _ = zip(*batch_data)
    ends = list(sentence_ends)
    maxend = max(map(len, ends))
    aends = np.zeros((len(ends), maxend))
    for index, i in enumerate(ends):
        for indexj, x in enumerate(i):
            aends[index, indexj] = x-1
    new_ends = np.zeros(aends.shape+(2,))

    for index, x in np.ndenumerate(aends):
        new_ends[index+(0,)] = index[0]
        new_ends[index+(1,)] = x

    contexts = list(context_vec)
    max_context_length = max([len(x) for x in contexts])
    contextsize = list(np.array(contexts[0]).shape)
    contextsize[0] = max_context_length
    final_contexts = np.zeros([len(contexts)]+contextsize)

    contexts = [np.array(x) for x in contexts]
    for i, context in enumerate(contexts):
        final_contexts[i,0:len(context),:] = context
    max_query_length = max(len(x) for x in questionvs)
    querysize = list(np.array(questionvs[0]).shape)
    querysize[:1] = [len(questionvs),max_query_length]
    queries = np.zeros(querysize)
    querylengths = np.array(list(zip(range(len(questionvs)),[len(q)-1 for q in questionvs])))
    questions = [np.array(q) for q in questionvs]
    for i, question in enumerate(questions):
        queries[i,0:len(question),:] = question
    data = {context_placeholder: final_contexts, input_sentence_endings: new_ends, 
                            query:queries, input_query_lengths:querylengths, gold_standard: answervs}
    return (data, context_words, cqas) if more_data else data

# Use TQDM if installed
tqdm_installed = False
    from tqdm import tqdm
    tqdm_installed = True

# Prepare validation set
batch = np.random.randint(final_test_data.shape[0], size=batch_size*10)
batch_data = final_test_data[batch]

validation_set, val_context_words, val_cqas = prep_batch(batch_data, True)

# training_iterations_count: The number of data pieces to train on in total
# batch_size: The number of data pieces per batch
def train(iterations, batch_size):
    training_iterations = range(0,iterations,batch_size)
    if tqdm_installed:
        # Add a progress bar if TQDM is installed
        training_iterations = tqdm(training_iterations)

    wordz = []
    for j in training_iterations:

        batch = np.random.randint(final_train_data.shape[0], size=batch_size)
        batch_data = final_train_data[batch]

        sess.run([opt_op], feed_dict=prep_batch(batch_data))
        if (j/batch_size) % display_step == 0:

            # Calculate batch accuracy
            acc, ccs, tmp_loss, log, con, cor, loc  = sess.run([corrects, cs, total_loss, logit,
                                                                context_placeholder,corr, locs], 
            # Display results
            print("Iter " + str(j/batch_size) + ", Minibatch Loss= ",tmp_loss,
                  "Accuracy= ", np.mean(acc))
train(30000,batch_size) # Small amount of training for preliminary results

经过一点训练后,让我们窥视一下,看看我们从网络中得到了什么样的答案。在下面的图表中,我们可以看到关于我们上下文中所有句子(列)的每一集(行)的注意力; 较暗的颜色代表该集中对该句子的更多关注。


ancr = sess.run([corrbool,locs, total_loss, logits, facts_0s, w_1]+attends+
                [query, cs, question_module_outputs],feed_dict=validation_set)
a = ancr[0]
n = ancr[1]
cr = ancr[2]
attenders = np.array(ancr[6:-3]) 
faq = np.sum(ancr[4], axis=(-1,-2)) # Number of facts in each context

limit = 5
for question in range(min(limit, batch_size)):
    plt.xlabel("Question "+str(question+1))
    pltdata = attenders[:,question,:int(faq[question]),0] 
    # Display only information about facts that actually exist, all others are 0
    pltdata = (pltdata - pltdata.mean()) / ((pltdata.max() - pltdata.min() + 0.001)) * 256
    plt.pcolor(pltdata, cmap=plt.cm.BuGn, alpha=0.7)

#print(list(map((lambda x: x.shape),ancr[3:])), new_ends.shape)
col1 col2
image image
image image


# Locations of responses within contexts
indices = np.argmax(n,axis=1)

# Locations of actual answers within contexts 
indicesc = np.argmax(a,axis=1)

for i,e,cw, cqa in list(zip(indices, indicesc, val_context_words, val_cqas))[:limit]:
    ccc = " ".join(cw)
    print("TEXT: ",ccc)
    print ("QUESTION: ", " ".join(cqa[3]))
    print ("RESPONSE: ", cw[i], ["Correct", "Incorrect"][i!=e])
    print("EXPECTED: ", cw[e])
 TEXT:  mary travelled to the bedroom . mary journeyed to the bathroom . mary got the football there . mary passed the football to fred .
    QUESTION:  who received the football ?
    RESPONSE:  mary Incorrect
    EXPECTED:  fred

    TEXT:  bill grabbed the apple there . bill got the football there . jeff journeyed to the bathroom . bill handed the apple to jeff . jeff handed the apple to bill . bill handed the apple to jeff . jeff handed the apple to bill . bill handed the apple to jeff .
    QUESTION:  what did bill give to jeff ?
    RESPONSE:  apple Correct
    EXPECTED:  apple

    TEXT:  bill moved to the bathroom . mary went to the garden . mary picked up the apple there . bill moved to the kitchen . mary left the apple there . jeff got the football there . jeff went back to the kitchen . jeff gave the football to fred .
    QUESTION:  what did jeff give to fred ?
    RESPONSE:  apple Incorrect
    EXPECTED:  football

    TEXT:  jeff travelled to the bathroom . bill journeyed to the bedroom . jeff journeyed to the hallway . bill took the milk there . bill discarded the milk . mary moved to the bedroom . jeff went back to the bedroom . fred got the football there . bill grabbed the milk there . bill passed the milk to mary . mary gave the milk to bill . bill discarded the milk there . bill went to the kitchen . bill got the apple there .
    QUESTION:  who gave the milk to bill ?
    RESPONSE:  jeff Incorrect
    EXPECTED:  mary

    TEXT:  fred travelled to the bathroom . jeff went to the bathroom . mary went back to the bathroom . fred went back to the bedroom . fred moved to the office . mary went back to the bedroom . jeff got the milk there . bill journeyed to the garden . mary went back to the kitchen . fred went to the bedroom . mary journeyed to the bedroom . jeff put down the milk there . jeff picked up the milk there . bill went back to the office . mary went to the kitchen . jeff went back to the kitchen . jeff passed the milk to mary . mary gave the milk to jeff . jeff gave the milk to mary . mary got the football there . bill travelled to the bathroom . fred moved to the garden . fred got the apple there . mary handed the football to jeff . fred put down the apple . jeff left the football .
    QUESTION:  who received the football ?
    RESPONSE:  mary Incorrect
    EXPECTED:  jeff

让我们继续训练!为了获得良好的效果,您可能需要长时间训练(在我的家用台式机上,大约需要12个小时),但您最终应该能够达到非常高的精度(超过90%)。有经验的Jupyter Notebook用户应该注意,只要你保持不变,你可以在任何时候中断培训并仍然保存网络已经取得的进展tf.Session; 如果您想要显示注意力并回答网络当前的提示,这很有用。

train(training_iterations_count, batch_size)
# Final testing accuracy
print(np.mean(sess.run([corrects], feed_dict= prep_batch(final_test_data))[0]))




  • 其他任务在bAbI 我们只抽样了bAbI必须提供的许多任务。尝试更改预处理以适应其他任务,并查看我们的动态内存网络如何执行。当然,在尝试在新任务上运行网络之前,您可能想重新训练网络。如果任务不能保证答案出现在上下文中,则可能需要将输出与单词词典及其相应向量进行比较。(这些任务是6-10和17-20)。我建议尝试任务1或3,你可以通过改变值做test_set_file和train_set_file。

  • 监督培训 我们的关注机制是无人监督的,因为我们没有明确地指定应该关注哪些句子,而是让网络自己决定。尝试向网络添加损失,鼓励注意机制注意正确的句子

  • Coattention 一些研究人员不是简单地参与输入句子,而是在他们称之为“动态交叉网络”的研究中取得了成功,该网络参加了一个矩阵,该矩阵代表两个序列中的两个位置同时出现。

  • 备用矢量化方案和来源。尝试在句子和向量之间进行更加智能的映射,或者使用不同的数据集。GloVe提供了高达840亿个不同标记的大型库,每个库有300个尺寸。


01. [oreilly.com]Question answering with TensorFlow:Using advanced neural networks to tackle challenging natural language tasks
02. [arxiv.org]Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing